Recovery by Design

Recovery by Design

Recovery by Design is our advanced recovery program that details how to recover from significant, cumulative or critical incidents. Our program covers personal, team and enterprise-wide recovery through the PARLIE framework.

a cute kitten

About the PARLIE framework

PARLIE is used by Frontline agencies to look after their staff through the challenges of frontline operations.

We train peer support networks to provide in-house and cross-agency support to individuals and teams.

We train in-house trainers and coaches how to deliver our programs to new recruits and as Continual Professional Development for established staff.

Recovery by Design

Recovery by Design

Our digital-led recovery program PARLIE builds on the Prepare-Act-Recover techniques in our Resilience by Design program with:

  • Incident cool-down steps for individuals and teams
  • Safe incident debrief protocol
  • After-action review learning framework
  • Continual improvement and evaluation methods using Resilience Scan dashboard and Sensemaker software.

Showcase: Francis Cronin

Francis Cronin is a supervisor at Tasmania’s Risdon Prison Complex. In this video, Francis describes a significant critical incident that he attended in 2009 and his subsequent struggle with PTSD, anxiety and depression. Francis started working with Frontline Mind in 2017 and now has a very different relationship with his past experiences through his work with the Frontline Mind Recovery by Design program.

Contact us to find out how we can help your organization reduce the incidence of traumatic stress response.

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Frontline Mind Pty Ltd

PO Box 368 South Hobart Tasmania 7004

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