16 May 2023 / Share
Snow Safety Industry Survey – Resilience Scan – June 2023
Frontline Mind is currently conducting a Snow Safety Industry Survey.
This project intends to capture insights from avalanche professionals and back-of-house staff about their experiences in the workplace. The survey findings will inform the design of well-being initiatives and support decision-making.
This project is a collaboration between avalanche professionals (guides, educators, patrollers, and avalanche forecasters) and industry bodies.
The findings from Resilience Scan will be reported in an industry report. Initial findings will be presented at ISSW 2023. https://www.issw2023.com/
We invite you to participate in this project if you are an avalanche professional (volunteer, employed and back-of-house staff).
Scan the QR Code, or use the Weblink: https://collector.sensemaker-suite.com/collectorprojectID=141065e1-09dd-48f5-be2a-10158efd03a7