
Two key Frontline Mind team members, Dorian Broomhall (Head of Operations) and Greg Hince (Lead Trainer) first met whilst serving together as reservists in the Royal Australian Navy.

Dorian & Greg have had various experiences serving internationally, in a permanent capacity and in a variety of teams within the Navy.

Frontline Mind training is informed by these experiences with both Dorian and Greg retaining a special interest in working with both serving military personnel and veterans.


United States Marine Corps

Reconnaissance Marines are elite operators trained to work at the interface between land and water. They found that an unacceptably high percentage of aspiring Recon Marines were failing the pool tests. In the words of one of their instructors, “Water is a great leveller.”

How We Do It

In a pilot study with the US Marine Corps, we trained Marines using a combination of techniques in our Resilience by Design program, such as breath-hold techniques, relaxation, and perception changes. The result was significantly increased water survivability.

A number of features of standard military training inadvertently encouraged low breath-hold times. The training was viewed as a “stress test,” rather than a “relaxation test.” With as little as a few hours of aquatic survival training, all the marines improved their static breath-hold capability.

What our clients says about the program

Sergeant David M. Engelbert

Marine Reconnaissance

“Frontline Mind are the Special Operators of the training world. I have written and spoken extensively about how ineffective most therapy is for men and women of service and I had all but given up on the idea that there could be effective help for the many mental/emotional issues we face. How wrong I was. Firstly, the techniques that these guys teach are so far removed from any of the usual touchy/feely methods on offer that it opens up the opportunity to be used by every hard-nosed, therapy avoiding armed forces personnel on the planet. Second, it works. Oh my, how quickly and magically you can go from feeling BAD to, INCREDIBLE. Once the technique is explained it makes total sense. Until that point, it seems unlikely that results can be gained so fast. I cannot recommend the team more wholeheartedly, and what they are doing is needed by all men and women of service. ”

Key statistics

United States Marine Corps

  • Over the course of 5 days, the average breath-hold improved by 147%
  • One marine improved maximum breath-hold times from less than 30 seconds to greater than 3 minutes — an increase of 671%
  • For one recruit who failed a fully clothed underwater swim test, distance improved 140% after approximately five minutes of coaching

What are you interested in finding more about?

Frontline Mind Pty Ltd

PO Box 368 South Hobart Tasmania 7004

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